Monday, February 25, 2013

Week's To Do List to be followed by What really happened

In an effort to accurately reflect what I am able to do in an average week when I am NOT having a flare up, I thought it would be helpful to post what I hope to accomplish this week - and then follow up with what I was actually able to accomplish by Friday. I am not posting this list to make you feel bad if you are in the middle of a flare-up right now - or otherwise just plain tired. It is more for my own benefit to keep me honest and humble.

Sometimes when I read other homeschooling Moms' blogs, I get discouraged because I know that even on my best day I would never have the energy to do what they do. So I have had to stop comparing myself to them and just enjoy the beautiful things they are able to put together and do for their families. It's like reading Martha Stewart Magazine - I don't hate her or envy her, but I do admire her creativity and style.

I do what I can, when I can. 

When I feel good, I try to do as much as I can and get ahead. 

And when I feel crappy, I just don't do much of anything and I've given up feeling guilty about it. 

The kids don't really care and they're still learning all the time.

My husband(our homeschool Principal) is happy with how the kids are doing, and our public charter school Educational Specialist is very pleased with their progress as well. 

I can't tell you what a relief it is to finally be able to come out of the homeschooling closest and admit that we are Catholic Unschoolers. 

Life is so much better when you have time to live it outside of a textbook.

Plans for the week....

Monthly meeting with charter school teacher
Meet with contractor re: permit application
Homeschooling outing to Jump Sky High
Purchase missing items before softball practice
Softball & little league practices
Mom's Night Out at Grandma R's
Visit from tutor for math, chess, and science
Pray in front of Planned Parenthood for 40 Days for Life
Noon Mass on Wednesday
Homeschool Hands on Sports
Cantabile choir practice
Purchase displays for Origami Owl launch party
Assemble & mail first locket order
Open mail & pay some bills
Noon Mass on Friday
Iceskating at Logitech
Paint like Michaelangelo & do picture study
Read next chapter out of American History book
Figure out how to use Math on the Level spreadsheet
Do 5-a-days at least three times
Two vision therapy appointments
Play three board games with kids
Make tea sandwiches to take to Phi Mu Founders' Day party

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