Saturday, December 7, 2013

Wise Men ADVENTures, Days 4 - 6

The Wise Men are still on the move around the house looking for Baby Jesus in all sorts of unusual places...

Day 4: Inside a church, nope, not there yet....

Day 5: Hey, maybe this guy knows where the King is. Just boots and pajamas here, move along.

Day 6: What on earth is this thing? 

(FYI It's an Argentinian mate and bombilla for drinking mate tea)

Catch up with all the other Wise Men ADVENTures over at Catholic Inspired.

Catholic Inspired


  1. Cute ideas! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Is that a chocolate St. Nicholas? Where did you get that? I came over from Jen's link up to say hello.

    1. Hi Noreen,
      It is indeed a real St. Nicholas chocolate figurine. I live just a few miles from a dutch import shop/bakery that sells holiday chocolates. They do a brisk on-line business for lovers of all thing Dutch as well. Their website is Look under Holidays, Christmas chocolates, and you will see the Sinterklass chocolates. They are hollow chocolate figurines, just how I like them, and have great details on the foil wrapping. It is very obvious it is Saint Nicholas and not an american Santa Claus. They also sell the European holiday Initial chocolates which I usually get for my children's stockings for Christmas Day. Those are solid and come in milk or dark chocolate. If you're ever in San Jose, CA the bakery and import shop is located on Bascom Ave.

  3. Hi Tricia!
    I was going to ask the same thing Noreen did! I'll have to take a look at that site! Thanks!
    Oh and I love the wise men with the straw!

    1. Glad you liked the Pope Francis reference....

  4. Tricia, I had no idea about that shop!! So cool. I love the wise man adventures. :)


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