Thursday, March 14, 2013

Giveaway Winner - Congratulations, Jennifer K.!

Thank you to all who participated in my first ever picture book give away for Otter and Odder, A Love Story. 

Jennifer K. of San Jose, CA is the winner!

That sure will make it easy for me to deliver the book! :)

It was great fun seeing your answers to the question: 
What is your favorite picture book about an animal? 
Jennifer K.'s answer: The Story about Ping.

I love that one too. It's the first picture book discussed in the Five in a Row Vol. I curriculum, and the first picture book we ever "rowed."

A new Pope and a new picture book all in the same day, Jennifer K., boy are you doubly blessed!

Thanks for entering everybody, and as I find more great picture books to share I'll do another giveaway soon. 

Enjoy your new book, Jennifer K.!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much! What a treat =) I don't think I ever won anything before!


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