Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Habemus Papam Francisco!

I am so excited with the announcement that our new Pope has been elected so quickly. Over the moon is more like it!

And that he is Argentine-born makes it all the more sweeter for me. {In case you didn't know, I am a first-generation American born to Argentine parents that immigrated here legally in 1964.}

I am thrilled that he is a Jesuit, an intellectual, a theological conservative, a Latin American, has Eastern Church leadership experience, a heart for peace and justice, and is humble, approachable, and a true pastor for his flock. And he chose the name "Francis" - a Saint that is universally loved, a symbol of peace and concern for the earth, and a man who strove for peace with Islam.

As everyone learns more about Pope Francis, I think they are going to be even more pleased with this selection; he is the right man for the job at this time. I heard a reporter say on the radio that Pope Francis was a humble man, remarking that he takes the bus to work instead of a chauffeured car around Buenos Aires. 

If they truly knew what it was like to take a "colectivo" in Buenos Aires they would know that Pope Francis is not only humble, but also extremely brave, because taking the bus in Argentina is a daring enterprise. The bus drivers are such reckless drivers that one steps onto the bus with a leap of faith that one will arrive at the destination in one piece. The traffic in Rome will not startle this new Pope at all!

And with World Youth Day this summer in Brazil! {How I wish I was young enough to go to World Youth Day.}

Latin America has a chance to get on fire for its Catholic Faith again. It is time for the re-conversion of the continent to begin. 

Virgen de Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, Pray for Us!

Virgen de Lujan, Patroness of Argentina, Pray for Us!

If you don't see me for a while it's because I'm overdosing on all things Argentine: empanadas, mate, pastelitos, dulce de leche, milanesas, flan, tango, my Misa Criolla CD, the Mission on Netflix, and all the gaucho picture books for kids that I can round up quickly. The only one I own is On the Pampas by Maria Cristina Brusca, but Amazon is showing it as out of stock. I do hope they print some nice picture books for kids about this Pope's childhood. We so enjoyed the ones about Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI.

I'll come up for air later tonight to announce the winner of the picture book give away.

I've never written up a lap book or unit study before, but I am feeling inspired to gather all my Argentina materials and put them together in a way that a person new to studying the country could get a glimpse of the beautiful country that our new Pope calls home. 

Perhaps one of you experienced lapbookers would like to join forces with me? I can put the authentic Argentine spin on it, and you can add the creativity and the lapbook craftiness? Let me know if you're interested in joining forces for a Papal study unit on our new Pope's country of origin. {I can promise all the Catholic foodies out there that the food will be much, much better.}

Habemus Papam Francisco!

God Bless you everyone!

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